How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree – The Easiest Method
Suppose you own beautiful Fiddle Leaf Fig and want to add more to your home. But you don’t like to spend lots of money on it. Then the best way is to propagate your tree from a cutting. Propagation of fig trees is the easiest and least expensive way to get new plants.
Since this tree is easy to cultivate and doesn’t need much care, it’s a fantastic option for those who want to add some green to their environment. But if you don’t know How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees.
This article will show you the best methods to propagate fig trees from cutting. This easy and reliable method will help you grow a healthy and substantial fiddle leaf fig tree in your home in just a few weeks without any stress.
How to propagate fiddle leaf fig tree
Propagation of fiddle leaf figs can be done by cutting from the healthy plant. Make a clean cut about 1-1/2 inches below the base of the fiddle leaf, and remove any dead or diseased wood. Ensure the cutting is fresh and has new leaves- it’s best not to damage the plant. Once you have taken a cutting, soak it overnight in water before softening it up with a knife.
Some fig trees may root best with the use of the rooting hormone. Follow the instructions that come with the rooting hormone, and water your cutting regularly while it’s soaking. During the growing phase, roots will develop into the new plant and maintain it.
Put the cutting in the soil.
Put the cutting directly in the soil. After planting your cutting in soil, it is important to keep the soil moist and cover the area above the soil with something like a plastic bag to prevent overexposure to light. This will help prevent fungal overgrowth and promote healthy growth. A good watering frequency is once a week, but you may need to water more often if it’s drier outside and the plant has been in direct sunlight for a long time. Cuttings taken from healthy plants from six or eight weeks.

Put the cutting in water.
Instead of soil, you may use water to grow the plant. After water, the rooting hormone will not be necessary. The cuttings should be kept in a place out of direct sunlight, warm (between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit), and moist. You can change the water only when it looks cloudy, which will probably happen only a couple of times over 6-8 weeks. For best results, use room temperature tap water and let the chlorine evaporate for at least one day before using.
Plant the newly rooted cutting
it’s important to re-root the plant after six to eight weeks to ensure healthy growth.Use well-draining potting soil for optimal results. I find that using the following potting mix produces the best results.
- Coconut coir – 40%
- Orchid bark – 25%
- Perlite– 25%
- Vermicompost– 10%.
Make sure you plant fresh roots into moist soil as soon as possible after transplanting, and give them plenty of water and sunlight if problems arise (like a newly rooted cutting struggling to grow).
When Should You Propagate Your Fiddle Leaf Fig?
Fiddle Leaf Fig trees can be propagated either in the spring or fall. The best time to do this is when the ground is dry and warm, which will help ensure a successful transplant. You may also want to cover the roots of your trees with several inches of soil before planting so that they get plenty of nutrients to grow.
Once you plant your fiddle leaf fig, water it well and keep it moist until growth begins; then, gradually reduce watering back to normal levels.
How to thicken the trunk of a fiddle leaf fig tree

Water well:- It’s important to regularly water your fiddle leaf fig tree, especially in the early stages. The tree will grow properly if it is watered well and kept moist.
Fertilize regularly:- Fiddle leaf fig trees grow best when given the right amount of nutrients. By fertilizing your fiddle leaf fig tree regularly, you will help to ensure healthy growth. Fertilizing your fiddle leaf fig tree with a half-strength fertilizer solution is a great way to keep it healthy and thriving. The ideal time to fertilize fiddleleaf fig trees is every two weeks to one month, but be sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer’s package since too much fertilizing can be detrimental to the plant.
Pruning :- Pruning can be a useful way to thicken the trunk of your fiddle leaf fig tree. Pruning the branches can help open up the plant to absorb water and nutrients better. Regular pruning is necessary to maintain a strong, healthy trunk.
Enough sunlight :– Give your fiddle leaf fig enough sunlight to thrive properly. In the summer, give the plant full sunlight between 10 AM to 3 PM. In the winter, give the plant partial sunlight during these hours.
Watch for pests and diseases:- Watch for pests and diseases in your fiddle leaf fig tree, but don’t panic if you find them. Try to identify which pest or disease is causing problems, then take appropriate action (see below). If necessary, consult a gardening expert for more help.
Give your fiddle leaf fig some time outside:- If you are unable to plant the fiddle leaf fig in direct sunlight, give the plant time outside. Place your fiddle leaf fig tree near a south-facing window in the sunniest part of the house.
Shake or wiggle your fiddle leaf fig tree:-– Shaking the fiddle leaf fig tree occasionally helps to distribute the root system and move water and nutrients around the plant. Wiggling the fiddle leaf fig tree can help to dislodge pests and diseases.
After reading this article, you know everything about How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. If you have a cutting in your working area and want to expand the number of trees, just propagate them using the above mentioned methods. Enjoy your new plants!
If you are planning to buy new fiddle leaf figs in bulk instead of getting them from cuttings, it is better to opt for tree multiplication as it gives more plants and saves money simultaneously.