How to Propagate Ruby Necklace Plants | The Easy Way
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that can add a splash of color to your home, then you should try the ruby necklace plant. This plant is fantastic for improving air quality and provides an elegant and stylish addition to any space. It’s also rich in oxygen, making it perfect for adding life to your indoor environment.

The ruby necklace plant has become a household name thanks to its ruby-colored leaves and long vines that are often grown on the string. It’s easy to care for this vine if you know what it needs! But some common problems can arise, especially with beginners. That’s why we’ll go over the basics of ruby necklace plant care to help you maintain your houseplant over the years. We’ll also discuss How to propagate ruby necklaces effortlessly.
Why is the Ruby Necklace Plant So Popular?
The ruby necklace plant (Othonna capensis) is a succulent plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It’s popular for its leaves and flowers. The leaves are usually red, purple, or blue, and the yellow flowers produce small pink balls that look like rubies when full-blown.
Many people find the color of the ruby necklace plant to be beautiful and luxurious, making it perfect for adding a splash of colour to any space. It is mainly grown as a hanging basket plant but is also suited to spreading or rockeries. It is a hardy succulent with few problems but requires more water than average.
This plant will exhibit excellent maroon colouring in light conditions and with limited fertilizer. Afternoon shade and morning sun are the most effective conditions for this plant. This will allow it to luxuriate in bright colors while also making it less dependent on the water in the surroundings. A large pot can bring out the plant’s full potential.
The ruby necklace plant is also great for improving air quality, as it contains oxygen. It can be grown in almost any climate, making it perfect for those who live in areas with hot or cold weather.
This succulent is easy to care for, and most people don’t have many problems with it once they start!
How do propagate ruby necklace?
The ruby necklace plant is one of the easiest plants to propagate. If you wanted to propagate the ruby necklace plant, you could do it in two different ways. It may be grown in both water and soil.
How to propagate ruby necklace in water
The simplest and most recommended method for beginners is water propagation.
- To start with, you need to take stem cuttings from the plant. Make sure the stem is at least 8-10 inches long and slightly moistened.
- Cut any unwanted branches you want. Any damaged branches should be cut as soon as possible.
- Once you have successfully taken stem cuttings, you can plant them in the water jar. You need to take a 5-inch jar and fill it with 80% water. Make sure to place the cuttings in water about 1 inch deep. You can place 10-15 cutting in one jar.
- Now you need to wait until the cutting roots grow. Every week, change the water. This will stop fungus inflation.
- Monitor the cutting every week for root growth. The roots can take up to 2-3 weeks to grow. When the plant’s roots have developed, it’s time to report it.
- A well-draining potting soil should be used to fill the pot. Make sure that the soil is always wet.
- Now plants it in potting soil. You can plant 7-8 plants in an 8-inch pot
- Now water your well and place it in direct light or low indirect light sunlight. You can water it every day, but don’t over-water it.
How to propagate ruby necklace in soil?
The soil’s propagation is nearly similar to water’s. You propagate it in a soil insect of water.
- First of all, take your stem cuttings from the plant. Ensure the stem is at least 8 to 10 inches long and wet.
- Once you’ve cut several branches
- Filled the contender with a well-draining potting mix it recommended taking at least an 8-inch pot
- Put your cutting in the potting soil and gently press it down. you can add 7-8 stems in one contender
- Watering is essential. make sure to water daily but do not overwater Make sure the soil is kept moist at all times
- after 4-6 weeks later, you can see the new roots will start to grow
- Now, if you want, you can transfer it into a new pot.
Both Propagation methods are very easy to do. You can use any one you like, both are given the same kind of result. The main difference is in water. Propagating r is the faster and easier way, but firster than soil.
But propagating it in the soil will yield a stronger root system. In both cases, having direct light or low indirect sunlight is essential for growth.
Ruby Necklace Plant Care Tips
As you already know, ruby necklace plans are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance, making them an ideal choice for busy people or anyone who wants attractive but simple gardening. Here are some tips on how to take good care of your ruby necklace plant:
Ruby necklaces are best propagated in soil that is acidic and well-drained. Any pre-made potting mixture for cacti and succulents would work.
However, if you’d rather build your potting mix, I advise combining ordinary soil with perlite, sand, and pumice to create a potting mixture that drains effectively. Soil should have a pH level. of around 6.0 to 6.5.
Watering is essential for every plant, and the ruby necklace is no exception. Overwatering can cause root rot, so avoid it. Check the soil moisture levels regularly and add water whenever necessary. The ideal moisture level for a ruby necklace plant is 50-70%.
Ruby necklace plants are not heavy feeders. They will benefit from a little less fertilizer. Twice per year is typically enough to keep them healthy. If the flowers on your plant begin to fade or appear dry, mist the foliage with water and apply a weak nitrogen fertilizer around the base of the stem.
Ruby necklace plants are not a succulent that does well in colder temperatures and should be kept above 50°F (10°C). A warm environment is required for succulent growth and development in tropical and subtropical climates.
If your region has extremely cold winters, please relocate to drafty areas where temperatures are not too low because they can survive such temperatures. They also do not survive in too hot temperatures as well.
The ideal temperature range will be 50°F-85°F. Keeping ruby necklace plants comfortable during winter and summer requires setting up a heating system and air conditioning unit.
You also need to take care of the humility levels of your plant. This plant doesn’t like too much humility. It will be happier when it does get a little dry, as long as they have the proper nutrients to stay healthy.
Maintaining the ideal humidity is important because your succulent could rot if it dries too much. This condition can also cause mold and other fungal infections.. Therefore, avoid putting in moist places. There’s a chance your succulent will die.
Preventing pests from damaging your ruby necklace is important. Common pests include mealybugs and scale. The leaves of mealybugs turn yellow and die because they feed on plant sap. Scale is an insect that feeds on plant sap and water, leading to brown spots on the leaves or even death.
Regularly inspecting your succulent plants for these pests is key to preventing more serious infestations. If there are indications of an infestation, treat the plants right away with insecticidal soap, rubbing alcohol, or neem oil. Doing so will help get rid of unwanted pests and prevent further damage to your plants.
To grow a string of rubies, choose a bright and sunny location. If you are growing indoors, use strong sunlight-emitting bulbs; if you are growing outdoors, use at least six hours of full sun light daily. As long as your plant receives enough sunlight, the leaves will turn red color; if they do turn red, your plant is getting too little light.
Pruning is important for keeping your ruby necklace succulent and healthy. To keep the desired shape of the plant and remove dead or damaged leaves, pruning should be done regularly.
Remove dead/ unhealthy leaves:
Remove any wilted, yellowed, or brown leaves from your succulent plants. Dead foliage can rot and cause your plant to suffer from water toxicity (thinning), pests (mealybugs & scale), and other diseases.
Do not cut off the main stem of a succulent except in extreme cases, such as a stem growing into another plant or severely root bound. The succulent may die as a result of this.
What is the best way to propagate ruby necklaces?
You can now propagate it in water or soil. To propagate ruby necklaces, you can take stem cuttings from healthy plants. Now place it in water or well-drain soil. After two to three weeks, you will see new growth above the cutting – this is your Ruby Necklace!
How often should I prune my ruby necklace succulent?
Pruning may or may not be necessary depending on the succulent you have. However, if your succulent is growing vigorously and taking up a lot of space, it might be best to prune it.
This helps maintain the tree’s health. If your succulent is slower-growing and doesn’t need as much maintenance, you can wait until spring to prune it.
Does ruby Necklace plant like the sun?
Yes, ruby Necklaces like the direct sun or indirect sunlight. While most plants need direct sunlight to grow and flourish, a ruby necklace plant is different because it needs light to fire its red pigments (which gives the its distinctive color).
The reason behind my ruby necklace plant dying?
If you’ve noticed any indications of your ruby necklace plant’s dying, there are several possible causes. First and foremost, give the plant enough sunlight and regular watering.
If these prerequisites are completed, and the issue still exists, there can be a problem with the planting’s soil or root system. If all else fails and you still cannot salvage your Ruby Necklace Plant, it might be time to consider replacing it with a different potting mix explicitly designed for succulents or cactus plants.
Can you grow ruby Necklace indoors?
Yes, you can grow ruby Necklaces indoors with the right conditions. When growing rubies, be sure to provide them with plenty of light and moderate humidity levels.
Why is my ruby necklace plant green?
The ruby necklace plant is mainly green because it’s in lower light conditions. The plants that are getting the most direct sunlight will become the brightest in color, exhibiting a deep purple and red hue.
Are rubies toxic to pets?
There is no evidence that rubies are toxic to pets. However, some people anecdotally report having seen their cats lick the succulent leaves of othonna capensis ( String of Pickles) without any adverse effects.
Hopefully, our guide has proven helpful to you, expanding your knowledge and improving your understanding of How to propagate ruby necklace and grow. If you’ve used the same ruby necklace care technique for years, consider trying something new.
That’s how we hone our skills as gardeners! It has been our pleasure to inform you about the ruby necklace plant. We hope that we have helped you clear of many common errors so that you can begin growing your stunning houseplant quickly.
There’s always something new to learn about plants, whether you’re a beginner or a professional gardener. Over time, you’ll notice trends in how different plants grow and develop so that you can cater to their unique needs and preferences.
As long as you know what requirements your ruby necklace plant has, you should be able to cultivate this beautiful vine and provide it with love and care.
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