Best Potting Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig: A Complete Guide

In recent times, the fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) has experienced a surge in popularity as a houseplant. With its large, glossy leaves and dramatic presence. That’s why so many people are drawn to this tropical beauty.

But for your fiddle leaf fig to thrive, you must provide it with the right potting soil. Choosing the right soil is crucial for a plant’s health and growth.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about the Best potting soil for Fiddle Leaf Figs. We will cover the unique requirements of these plants. Discuss the importance of soil for their health and the key factors to consider while selecting potting soil.

Understanding the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

Fiddle Leaf Fig

To ensure their healthy growth inside, these plants need specific care. Originating from the tropical rainforests of West Africa, they have specific growth requirements.

To give the fiddle leaf fig the best environment and soil, you must know where it inhabits.

When choosing a potting mix, you need to Consider factors like drainage, water retention, and pH level. An ideal soil can be created by mixing coco coir, pumice, and orchid bark in a well-balanced manner.

Importance of Soil for Plant Health

The soil quality affects the health and growth of the fiddle leaf fig plant. The soil composition is crucial in enhancing nutrient uptake and preventing waterlogging. A well-draining soil mix reduces root rot and gives roots oxygen.

Moreover, the appropriate soil offers stability to the plant and aids in its robust growth. High-quality soil increases the chances of a thriving fiddle leaf fig.

Also Read :- 10 Best Pots For Fiddle Leaf Fig

Key Factors to Consider For Best Potting Soil For Fiddle Leaf Fig

The soil should provide adequate moisture retention and good drainage to prevent waterlogging. When choosing the best soil for your fiddle leaf fig, there are key factors to consider.

Soil Type

Fiddle leaf figs thrive in well-draining soil types. So, selecting a soil mix designed for indoor or tropical plants is crucial. Combine organic materials like peat moss or coir with perlite or vermiculite to enhance drainage and aeration.

For waterlogging and root rot, avoid heavy soils. Instead, use soil that matches the fiddle leaf fig’s natural habitat. Which provides the right moisture and airflow for optimal growth.

Drainage Capabilities

When potting soil for your fiddle leaf fig, it’s important to choose a mix that doesn’t keep too much water. Overwatering harms this plant and can cause brown spots and limp or dropped leaves. Dense soil with poor drainage is not ideal as it can cause waterlogged roots, damaging the plant.

So, it’s recommended to choose a well-draining potting mix. That provides good aeration to the roots. This will help prevent water retention and ensure healthy growth for your fiddle leaf fig.

Add small rocks or pebbles at the bottom of the pot. This will ensure water can flow through the soil, preventing potential waterlogged situations.

Nutrient Content

The best potting soil for your fiddle leaf fig should have adequate nutrient content. Fiddle leaf figs are heavy feeders and need a rich soil to provide them with essential macronutrients and micronutrients.

Choose a potting mix formulated for indoor or tropical plants. These mixes often contain a balanced blend of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Those nutrients are essential for the healthy growth of your fiddle leaf fig.

Add compost or well-rotted manure to your potting soil to boost nutrients. Nature enriches and structures the soil, improving its water-holding ability.

Water Retention

Water retention is another important aspect when choosing the best potting soil for your fiddle leaf fig. While it’s crucial to have well-draining soil. But You also want to ensure it retains enough moisture for the plant’s roots.

Look for a potting mix containing peat moss or coconut coir. These organic components have excellent water-holding capacity. Also helps keep the soil moist without becoming waterlogged.

Choose a container that has drainage holes to avoid allowing water to pool and cause root rot.

Best Potting Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig

pH Balance

Fiddle leaf figs thrive in acidic to neutral soil, with a pH level ranging from 6 to 7.

To test the pH level of potting soil, use an available pH testing kit from a gardening store. You can add lime to increase the pH or sulfur to lower it if it’s not in the right range.

By ensuring the proper pH balance. Create an optimal growing environment and allow it to absorb nutrients and thrive.

Texture and Structure

Lastly, consider the texture and structure of the potting soil. Fiddle leaf figs thrive in soil, draining well and retaining moisture without becoming too compacted. The perfect soil texture is loose and crumbly. Which promotes enough air circulation and supports root growth. The top of the soil should be loose and not compacted, allowing air and water to flow freely.

When choosing a potting soil for your fiddle leaf fig., look for mixes that contain ingredients like perlite or vermiculite. These additives help to improve drainage. While retaining some moisture to prevent soggy roots.

Avoid clay-heavy soils, as they can cause poor drainage and root rot. Choose lightweight potting mixes for healthy root growth.

Top-Recommended Potting Soil Brands for Fiddle Leaf Fig

1. Fiddle Leaf Fig House Plant Soil Premium

Fiddle Leaf Fig House Plant Soil Premium All Purpose Blend |...
  • 🌳 FIT FOR ALL FIDDLE LEAF FIG VARIETIES - Whether you're growing a FLF...
  • 🌳 PROMOTES OPTIMUM DRAINAGE - Our fiddle leaf fig soil mix holds an...

This soil blend of high-quality soil is ideal for nurturing the development of your tree. It is moist and nutrient-rich, and it also drains well, which is essential for healthy plant growth.

Also, to provide structural support. It also helps moisture retention, which is vital for plants growing in dry climates.

The design aims to achieve a balance between retaining moisture and promoting drainage. It keeps your plants hydrated while preventing over-watering. Omit, I am very impressed by the quality of this soil blend.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource

Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil Mix by Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant...
  • PREMIUM ORGANIC SOIL for Fast Growth: Ideal for Fiddle Leaf Figs and other...
  • ENRICHED WITH Aged Bark, Green Compost, and Biochar: Our soil mix includes...
  • ADVANCED DRAINAGE and Root Protection: Our potting soil is formulated to...

What sets Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource apart is its specialized shielding mix. Its well-aerated blend, powered by aged bark, defends your fiddle leaf fig. It ensures a healthy and disease-resistant plant.

Choose the ingredients that will help the roots grow and speed up the growth process. Plus, the soil drains well and retains moisture, which is essential for a healthy plant. I have been using it for the last 2 years and am happy. It provides everything my tree needs to flourish and grow.

Miracle-Gro Houseplant Potting Mix

Miracle-Gro 72574500 Houseplant Potting Mix: Fertilized,...
  • Growing indoors is easy under the right conditions; Miracle-Gro Houseplant...
  • Recommended for growing beautiful indoor houseplant varieties like Pothos,...
  • This indoor plant soil is less prone to gnats, thanks to the combination of...

Miracle-Gro is a trusted name in gardening products. Their potting mix is balanced with sphagnum peat moss, coconut coir, and perlite. It helps with proper drainage. While retaining essential moisture and promoting the health and growth of your plant.

What sets this mix apart is its added advantage of containing a small amount of fertilizer. Its Offer boosts your fiddle leaf fig’s vitality, resulting in lush and thriving growth. Plus, it’s affordable.

3 DIY Potting Soil Mix for Fiddle Leaf Figs

Creating your fiddle leaf fig soil mix for your fiddle leaf fig is cost-effective and customizable. Here are three DIY potting soil mix recipes that are highly recommended for fiddle leaf figs:

Basic Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Mix:

This mix provides good drainage and aeration while retaining moisture.

Fiddle Leaf Fig  plant near window


  • 2 parts peat moss or coconut coir
  • 1 part perlite or pumice
  • 1 part compost (well-rotted)

Nutrient-Rich Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Mix:

This mix includes more organic matter for added nutrients.


  • 2 parts peat moss or coconut coir
  • 1 part perlite or pumice
  • 1 part compost (well-rotted)
  • 1/2 part worm castings (or vermicompost)

Lightweight Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Mix:

This mix is designed for improved aeration and reduced compaction.


  • 2 parts coconut coir
  • 1 part perlite
  • 1 part orchid bark or pine bark fines
  • 1/2 part vermiculite

Remember to repot your fiddle leaf fig every few years or when you notice signs of root crowding or decreased growth. Adjust the mix over time to maintain the health and vitality of your fiddle leaf fig.

Also Read :- How to revive a fiddle leaf fig

Common Mistakes While Selecting Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig

When it comes to selecting the best potting soil for your fiddle leaf fig. To avoid making common mistakes, here are a few that you should be aware of:

Fiddle Leaf Fig plant
  • Poor drainage: To prevent waterlogging and root rot, use well-draining soil for fiddle leaf figs. Avoid heavy or moist soils.
  • Lack of aeration: Good aeration is essential for healthy root growth. Avoid compacted soil that restricts airflow and inhibits root development.
  • Insufficient moisture retention: Drainage is crucial, but Choosing soil that retains some moisture is essential. Use a moist soil mix that doesn’t dry out to keep your fiddle leaf fig happy.
  • Lack of organic matter: Organic matter boosts soil fertility and structure. Avoid using sterile or processed soils that lack beneficial nutrients.
  • pH imbalance: Fiddle leaf figs prefer acidic to neutral soil with a pH of 6-7. Avoid using soils with extreme soil pH levels that can affect nutrient uptake and plant health.

Avoiding these common mistakes ensures your fiddle leaf fig has the best possible growing conditions.

What if my Fiddle Leaf Fig isn’t Thriving?

If your fiddle leaf fig isn’t thriving despite using the recommended soil, a few factors could be at play. Below are a few factors that should be taken into account:

  • Light requirements: For fiddle leaf figs to thrive, they need bright, indirect light. If your plant needs more light, it may struggle despite having the right soil. Move it to a brighter location or use supplemental grow lights.
  • Watering routine: It’s important to establish a consistent watering routine for your fiddle leaf fig. To avoid stress and hindered growth, water your plant thoroughly. But let the soil dry between waterings.
  • Humidity levels: Fiddle leaf figs prefer high humidity. So, living in a dry climate or having low humidity indoors may affect your plant’s health. Add humidity with a humidifier or water tray near the plant.
  • Temperature fluctuations: Keep your fiddle leaf fig tree from chilly air drafts. The Ideal temperature should be kept between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 and 27 degrees Celsius) at all times.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Despite using a neutral pH soil, your fiddle leaf fig may still lack certain nutrients. To encourage robust growth, apply a well-balanced fertilizer specially designed for indoor plants.
  • Rootbound: If your fiddle leaf fig has been in the same pot for a long time, it may have tightly bound roots. This hinders growth and nutrient absorption. Repotting it in a larger container with fresh soil will enable the roots to spread.
  • To ensure the health and growth of your fiddle leaf fig, it is important to care for it. Addressing these potential issues will help your plant thrive in the best potting soil.

Also Read : How To Propagate fig tree cuttings in Water

Can I Use Cactus Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Don’t use cactus soil for your fiddle leaf fig. While it provides good drainage. It may not have the right moisture retention and aeration balance that fiddle leaf figs need. They prefer a potting mix that is rich, well-draining, and retains some moisture while also allowing excess water to be drained away. Opt for a mix formulated for tropical plants or houseplants instead.

How often is repot fiddle leaf fig?

Repot your fiddle leaf fig plant every 1-2 years or when you observe that its roots have become cramped within the pot. Best change the potting soil during repotting; fresh new soil helps growth. Be sure to choose a well-draining soil mix formulated for fiddle leaf figs and the appropriate pot size to prevent root rot.

Should you mix your potting or buy pre-made soil for your fiddle leaf fig?

Fiddle Leaf

When it comes to potting your fiddle leaf fig tree, the decision between mixing your soil or buying pre-made soil is a matter of personal preference and expertise.

Mixing your soil allows you to have more control over the composition and nutrients, ensuring that it meets your plant’s specific needs. However, mixing your soil can be tricky as it requires knowledge of the plant’s specific requirements. Opting for pre-made soil removes the guesswork and ensures that your fiddle leaf fig has the best possible growing conditions. 

On the other hand, buying pre-made soil can be a convenient option for those new to gardening or simply prefer a hassle-free approach. Pre-made soils are often formulated for indoor plants like fiddle leaf figs, providing a balanced blend of nutrients and moisture retention. Ultimately, whether you mix your soil or pre-made soil, what matters most is creating the best environment for your fiddle leaf fig to thrive.

How often should I fertilize my fiddle leaf fig?

Fiddle-leaf fig trees are voracious eaters and need regular fertilization to thrive. The best time to Fertilize is during the growing season, typically from spring to summer.

The recommended fertilizer for fiddle leaf figs is a liquid fertilizer with a 3-1-2 N-P-K ratio. This means the fertilizer should contain 3% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 2% potassium.

During the growing season, fertilize once a month. It is important to carefully adhere to the instructions on the fertilizer package regarding the appropriate dosage and frequency of application.

During the dormant season, typically from fall to winter, you should reduce the frequency of fertilization to once every two to three months.


Choosing the “Best Potting Soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig” is essential for its health. A blend of regular potting soil with extra perlite or orchid bark is great for drainage.

Repot every couple of years into a larger pot with fresh soil to give your Fiddle Leaf Fig room to grow. 


The Best Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer How and When to Use It (

How to Grow and Care for Fiddle-Leaf Fig (

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