How To Make Pothos Grow Faster: Basic care, plants, and more
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance houseplant that adds a pop of color to your home, you should consider pothos. This easy-to-grow plant is hardy and thrives in various climates, making it an excellent choice for anyone who doesn’t want to fuss with maintenance. In this article, we’ll teach you how to make pothos grow faster, so you can enjoy its beautiful leaves quickly.
About Pothos Plants

Pothos foliage is magnificent and stunning. The vegetation consists of medium-green, shiny leaves with marbling (pockmarks) in dark or light green. Pothos plants can create a pleasing decorative effect indoors and outdoors by building multiple pots around a window where they can climb up the vertical sides of your house’s interior walls. They multiply as long as they are given the treatment that will make them happy and healthy.
Pothos, also known as the Devil’s Ivy or Epipremnum aureum. The genus consists of about 40 evergreen climbing plants native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, Africa, Madagascar, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Australia.
Pothos plants grow in various habitats, including rocky crevices, pools of water, and forests. They are often called “devil’s ivy” because they can multiply when provided with ideal conditions.
Best Methods On How To Make Pothos Grow Faster
Pothos can grow anywhere and in any container; it can also grow in liquid-storing containers.
But to make the process fast, you must follow some specific methods.
There are a few ways to how to make your pothos grow faster, but the most important thing you can do is to give your plant the proper care. Follow these tips to make sure your pothos stays healthy and grows faster.
Pothos grow best in containers around 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep, but they will also grow in slightly larger or smaller pots. You can find pothos plants at most garden centers or online retailers; make sure to choose the right one for your needs before you buy it.
It is best if the soil is well-drained with good organic compost. You can make it ideal by adding sand, peat moss, or organic potting mix to your pothos plant’s pot. Potting soil should be kept evenly moist so that it has enough oxygen.
Water Properly
Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes we make when we grow pothos. This can lead to excess waterlogging and root rot, which can ruin your plants in no time at all.
Constantly water your plants only when the soil has dried out completely to avoid this problem. Doing this will prevent water from getting into the roots, preventing root rot. Also, make sure to water your plants evenly throughout their root system so that every part of them gets wet.
Its possible to grow pothos in water as well read my post How to Grow Pothos in Water . To Know more

Pothos plants are easy to take care of and don’t require special fertilizer; you can use a general garden additive, such as vermicompost and cow dung. Instead of using balanced fertilizer, pour water on and add a small amount of compost or organic matter to enrich the soil.
As long as your pothos plant gets enough water and sunlight, it will be fine without extra help. Ensure the soil is consistently moist, and keep an eye on the leaves to ensure they’re not getting too hot or too cold.
Sufficient light exposure
Pothos needs bright sunlight exposure to grow properly. Try to avoid direct sunlight when possible. You can place pothos in an east-or west-facing window for optimum sunlight exposure. The plant must receive the light it needs to +grow quickly. Provide your pothos at least six hours of sunlight daily.
You can also try growing pothos indoors in a brightly lit area. But you need to provide an adequate amount of light. In low light, the growth process of pothos comes to a halt. This means it will not grow any taller or broader and may even start losing its leaves. The leaf will turn from green to brown or black as it ages.
You can grow pothos faster if you heed the above advice. Just feed the plants and water them regularly. Provide sufficient light exposure. That’s all. You don’t need to worry about anything else.

Does Pothos Grow Faster in Soil or Water?
In my personal experience, it grows well in both soil and water.
Soil has various compositions. Hence, in random cases, it might as well cause a delay or may cause a faster growth rate, depending on the favorability of the soil.
Water is a bit more constant compared to the soil. It’s hassle-free, with less space, less maintenance, and less dirt. With water pots, it’s easy to grow pothos anywhere.
Why is my pothos growing slowly?
Slow growth is one of the most common issues that amateur gardeners face. This can be caused by various reasons, including over-watering or under-watering, inadequate light and nutrients, warm temperatures, pests and diseases, low light, and incorrect soil pH.
To determine if you are watering your pothos correctly, place an empty pot in the shade and measure how long it takes for water to run out of the drainage hole at the bottom.
If you are still experiencing slow growth despite following these tips, there may be some other issue that needs to be managed, such as poor drainage or low light. In all these cases, please consult a professional gardener who will have more specific advice on what needs to be done. Make sure you regularly water your pothos so it doesn’t get too dry without being overwatered.
If you are still unable to find out why it’s growing show, you can always re-potting it or place it in a different area.

Is it better to have indirect or direct light in my house for my indoor plants?
Indirect sunlight is better for indoor plants because it stimulates growth and helps to keep them healthy. This bright, indirect light comes from a window or other artificial source outside the plant’s growing area.
To make your pothos plant grow faster, you can increase the temperature or humidity levels of the room the plants are in. You can also try increasing the amount of light it receives by supplementing it with artificial light at night. If you do these things together, you should significantly increase the plant’s new growth rate.
Does cutting pothos make it grow faster?
There is no easy answer to this question, as the results may vary depending on the soil, watering habits, and other factors.
Some people advocate cutting pothos so they will have more new growth and not be as top-heavy; others believe that leaving the pothos intact will encourage them to grow taller.
What is the best growing season for pothos?
The best growing season for pothos vine is any time of year, as it is a highly adaptable plant. Pothos will do best indoors in cooler climates, but it can also be grown outdoors in warmer temperatures. The long vines can grow several inches per month if provided with the right conditions.
Pothos is a hardy plant that can thrive even in extreme conditions. With some easy tricks, though, you can make sure it grows quickly and beautifully.
Now that you know how to make pothos grow faster, it’s time to start. Just remember not to overwater the plant or forget about the potting soil. In just a few weeks, you’ll have thriving pothos in your home that can provide your décor with vibrant shades of green.
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